About Alexandra


  • Business Leader with 14 years of business experience ranging from start-ups to FTSE100. Expertise in infrastructure, including transport, energy and defence
  • Stood in the 2024 GE bucking national trends and decreasing Labour's vote share by 26.7% and for council in the 2022 London elections in the target seat of Primrose Hill 
  • Degrees from LSE, University of Kent, MBA from INSEAD
  • National Chair for Conservative Young Women, one of the largest party affiliated groups. Deputy Chair Political & other voluntary party roles

Alexandra has worked as a strategy and transformation consultant for the past 14 years at 3 of the leading professional service firms. She has lead teams across a variety of sectors (energy, pharmaceutics, financial services, transport) helping FTSE100 companies cut costs, become more digital and improve their bottom line.

Alexandra has been working with charities focused on education and children in difficult situations for the past decade. She has been Vice President of Kent UNICEF on campus, supporting their fundraising activities and a school governor at Moss Hall Nursery in West Finchley where she was part of the Fundraising & Staffing and COVID committees. She has worked with charities focused on vulnerable children such as Railway Children, leading projects to support their strategy and operational priorities.

Alexandra stood in the 2024 General Election in Manchester Rusholme bucking national trends and decreasing Labour's vote share by 26.7%. She has also served as the National Chair for Conservative Young Women. An experienced campaigner, she was the Deputy Chair Political for the Holborn and St Pancras association and ward chair for the Camden Town and Primrose Hill ward leading campaigning activities through the 2019 General Election, 2021 Mayoral and GLA elections and 2022 local elections. She also stood in the 2022 Local election in the target ward of Primrose Hill.

Alexandra has MBA from INSEAD (with a scholarship for extraordinary achievement), an MSc in Political Theory from the London School of Economics (LSE) and a Bachelor in Business Administration (with distinction) from the University of Kent.

In her spare time, Alexandra enjoys hiking, the theatre and travelling (she is currently aiming to visit all 7 continents).